Training on the Role of Students in Creating a Quality Culture in Higher Education was organized
Published Date:26.04.2024
For the students of the Department of Social Work of our Faculty, on April 24, 2024, at the Department of Social Work of our Faculty, Assist. Assist. Rıdvan TEMİZ provided training on the roles of students in the creation of quality culture in higher education. Within the scope of the training, it was emphasized that quality culture is an environment where all members of an institution are committed to high standards and strive to continuously improve these standards. It was stated that quality culture focuses on the pursuit of excellence and continuous improvement in all activities. In addition, it was stated that the creation of a quality culture is a complex process that requires the participation and cooperation of all stakeholders. In this process, the importance of key elements such as leadership, research and development, education and training and social contribution were emphasized.
It was emphasized that it is important to establish a clear vision and mission, define quality standards, develop feedback mechanisms, identify opportunities for continuous improvement and encourage all stakeholders to participate in order to create a culture of quality in education. It was explained that students can contribute to this process through active participation, high standards, taking responsibility and collaboration and how they can be involved in this process. It was stated that all stakeholders should actively participate in order to contribute to the creation of a quality culture. The training was finalized after the questions were answered.